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Who Cares? Jewish Responses to Suffering

Wednesday, January 31st - Sunday, September 1st | Museum Dorotheergasse, Dorotheergasse 11, A-1010 Wien

Violence, illness, poverty, depression: suffering affects everyone and makes them dependent on others. Who cares for whom and who is excluded from receiving aid? The principles of tikun olam (heal the world) and zedakah (charity) form the foundation of the exhibition. It explores the medical, psychological, and social welfare programs established in Vienna, with particular […] | more

Viennese Nostalgia – Connected Memories of Emil Singer

Wednesday, February 14th - Sunday, September 1st | Museum Dorotheergasse, Dorotheergasse 11, A-1010 Wien

In 2019 James “Sandy” Rikoon gifted part of his collection of prints done by the Jewish Austrian artist Emil Singer (1881–1942) to the Jewish Museum Vienna with the intent of restoring a lost piece of Viennese Jewish history. Researching this collection has revealed a unique network of historians and collectors all working in tandem to […] | more


Thursday, June 6th - Sunday, October 27th | Museum Judenplatz, Judenplatz 8, A-1010 Vienna

Double Exhibition Jewish Museum Vienna and Wien Museum The systematic disenfranchisement, persecution, and, ultimately, murder of Vienna’s Jewish population, as well as those considered as “Jews” according to the Nuremberg Laws, took place under National Socialist rule and was accompanied by unprecedented theft: Thousands of Viennese apartments and houses were plundered by various organizations, but […] | more

The Last Days of Democracy

Wednesday, June 19th - Sunday, September 29th | Museum Dorotheergasse, Dorotheergasse 11, A-1010 Wien

A war broke out in 1914 that was to become a world war. Karl Kraus described this inhuman time in a play consisting of 220 scenes, which he called The Last Days of Mankind. Ten years ago, on the 100th anniversary of World War I, the artist Deborah Sengl took forty scenes from the play […] | more

The Third Generation. The Holocaust in Family Memory

Wednesday, September 18th - Sunday, March 16th | Museum Dorotheergasse, Dorotheergasse 11, A-1010 Wien

More than eighty years after the Shoah, we are now witnessing the death of the last contemporary witnesses. Their story, but also their trauma, was passed down to the generations of children and grandchildren. While the second generation grew up with the psychological and physical injuries of their parents, the third generation looks at the […] | more


Wednesday, November 6th - Sunday, April 27th | Museum Judenplatz, Judenplatz 8, A-1010 Vienna

Fear is more than a feeling that we all know. Starting with the primeval fear, the concern about physical and mental health and economic survival, fear accompanies us throughout our lives, ending with fear of death. We can be frightened of something specific, but fear is diffuse, difficult to understand, and even more threatening because […] | more